The Freelancers Federation
71.50 AUD  / month
Renews automatically
Minimum Commitment
3 months

Freelance, freelancer, or freelance worker, are terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term

If you are a local Freelancer then you definitely want to join our
Freelancing Federation. Regularly Network and socialize with other local and surrounding Freelancers and Business Owners, discover the opportunity of collaboration and Networking and grow your existing list of clientele.

One Referral a month covers this monthly cost and then some.

Time Passes
Hourly Pass
9.35 AUD
(5 included/month)
Terms and Conditions »

Account Details

If you don’t have an account, enter a new password. Forgot password?

Personal Details

Name or company are required

Start Date
